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Resident artist at MIHL from 2th to 12th November 2023.
Open show: 11th November 2023 in the Gustavo Freire Auditorium.

"Os Protegidos", an unpublished text by Elfriede Jelinek, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2004, based on a real event - the presence on Austrian territory, at the end of 2012, of more than 100 refugees of various nationalities and in search of asylum, deals with the harsh, covetous and inadmissible way in which the Austrian state deals with this tragic incident, and the immediate and simultaneous furore of extreme right-wing groups regarding the presence of this group of foreigners in Vienna. In essence, the author made an exposition of the corrupting processes used by the powerful of the world, making use of their influence together with others, and in order to obtain benefits that they would not otherwise have.

The work establishes both the language and the deconstruction of the conventions of drama (unity of time, place, event, fable, characters, dialogue, etc.), creating instead a kind of orchestration of voices, privileging rhythms and games of musical sonority.

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